Augmenting Pomerantsev

Peter Pomerantsev has the real-world experience in 2010 Russia with HDTV media generation for the Kremlin.

very muhy WORK IN PROGRESS, with brain-damaged keyboarding

What was I doing in 2010? I predicted the Arab Spring in December 2009 based on Marshall McLuhan's book "War and Peace in the Global Village', my own lifetime of intuitive hands-on social media  perspective since age 13 in 1983, autism off-axis interpretation of how people deal with fact and truth, a key position at a key time, 1997 - working for Paul Allen Group - the year when Bill Gates and Paul Allen . By March 2010 I was rather certain of my Arab Spring prediction based on Austin SXSW and  observations about social change in Austin - that I was  starting to narrow down where it would start and the role women were playing in the revolution.

Back in 2010 I did not discover Rick Roderick's full 1993 lectures, which in 2015 became a huge thing for me. His "Self Under Siege" helped me regain perspective on technology itself... and Rick Roerick did this theory COMPLETELY avoiding Marshall McLuhan, Neil Postman, Joseph Campbell (all 3 professors like Roderick) , and Howard Bloom.  I consider Marshall McLuhan and Joseph Campbell to be highly influenced by James Joyce's Finnegans Wake, as they both devoted books to Finnegans Wake (Skeleton Key by Campbell, War and Peace in the Global Village by McLuhan). 

I find Campbell the most direct, and Stephen A. Hollar's lecture on Campbell has a similar opinion as me. I studied Hollar's lecture extenively in 2011 after moving to Amman Jordan in March 2013 to study the start of the Syria war / beyond the Arab Spring prediction.

And Carl Sagan's January 1994 Open Letter to We The People, which ws part of his 1995 book Daemon Haunted World. Sagan was not just an astro-physcist (confirm that's his title) - he did TV series (Cosmos), public interviews with Congress, was a well known teacher. I view his media experience relevant because he was a media figure himself and he knew directly how his audiences reacted to his published books, TV series, and how students learned.

Peter P even reads the passage of his book about Surkov using Autism behavior modeling. Which I find fascinating and draws Surkov uses the metaphor of "unmasking" / "remaksing" in Autism before that became such a common topic in the autism community.

Id di NOT discover Peter P's books and writings on The Atlantic until 2017 (?).  In 2015 when I was using Rick Roderick "Self Under Siege" to better understand what was going on since 2014 on the Internet / social media, I did not know it was Russia and Cambridge Analytica. I wish I had known of this in 2015, but I only knew it was MonoMyth warfare - and I telephoned the Pentagon on Monday, August 17, 2015 (first time in my life to contact the Pentagon / Executive Branch directly).  I described the forthcoming Star Wars film in December 2015 and Joseph Campbell's work in the phone call, but I did not know of Peter's 2014 book, Russia Internet Research Agency that went online in early 2013, and 

Peter P does in 2024 is publishing a book that goes back to Germany and UK defense against Germany psychological warfare... but he does not seem to basically reference:

This needs a lot of editing/rework, still brainsotrming stage

What's hapepned to social media with Cambrdige Analytica / Russia manipulation has been very negative for me personally. It really gringds on my autistic mind the mutliple factions of insincerity fighting it out, the deliberate pollution of information. And my family personallly has absolute faith in Putin, Trump, QAnon, etc. I purchased 4 copies of Peter P's book and gave them in-person to my family in 2022 , they refused to discuss a single page of the book and refuse to talk about any of my travels to Africa for the Arab Spring, my 2015 report to the Pentagon, etc. This  is far more emotional and interspective for me, and I appreciate Peter P's direct writing, and I respect Marshall McLuhan's ecellt dress and patience with people - but with my autism this "Menace of Unreality" (Title of Peter P's 2014 paper) is a living nightmare. People have wholesale rejected science,e and the pandemic response conditioning ties to Russia I knew since August 2018  (and the whole "autism is caused by vaccine" bullshit information that grew further than it already had because of deliberate manipuulatn)- and it was a nightmare for me to see  it become a topic for everyone in January 2020. So much hate between people over mocking each other over science / information.

I struggle to write each world of this, my brain is so damaged from the memories and CPTSD from loss of friends in the pandemic and the sheer avalanches of bullshit in the USA over the past 11 years.

Listening to Peter P's latest 2024 work and idea, it is interesting. My approach is to encourage people to create new MonoMyth patterns that they already associate with. Rock Music, and to use the sing-song nature of Finnegans Wake - and the converge of English that since James Joyce's start of Finnegans Wake has proven to grow to where it is now in 2024. The Tower of Babel, etc. And Finnegans Wake has and can be translated at metaphor level, the copyright will eventually expire in the USA (and it already has in many nations).  Will all the popular songs and film clips, no, but that's a greater realization humanity has to also address (Nina Paley's zCopyright is Brain Damage, very critical to the Russian meme warfare brain damage).

I think if we undersell what Surkov ahs done cracking the MonoMyth after the Arab Spring, we are in trouble. We must aim him. Beyond Nato, and include INdia, Japan, China, etc. And Campbell was already working on that with all his writing, and drawing in anchient Egypt, etc. can help our own nation's obsession with left vs. right, and have people focus on old-world-order (Levant monomyth) vs. new world order (Campbell / McLuhan ++ Postman / Joyce body of work, even Woodstock 1969 British Invasion / etc - Taken to All of YouTube, all of Internet social media, etc). We need artists of every type and style to understand waht Enter Shakari understand, what The Who 1969 Tommy opera understood... how to go all the way back to the Caves of Altamira origins of MonoMyth meme patterns - before Hollywood. As McLuhan, said even in 1966, Xerox machines made books informatio services, much like streaming is now to 1980's films. We must teach Campbell's vivaka - descrimination.

Jesus ++ Sanskrit as viveka, "discrimination." There is a very important Buddha figure

MOYERS: Jesus did talk of bringing a sword, and I don't believe he meant to use it against your fellow. He meant it in terms of opening the ego --I come to cut you free from the binding ego of your own self.

     CAMPBELL: This is what is known in Sanskrit as viveka, "discrimination." There is a very important Buddha figure who is shown holding a flaming sword high over his head -- and so what is that sword for? It is the sword of discrimination, separating the merely temporal from the eternal. It is the sword distinguishing that which is enduring from that which is merely passing. The tick-tick-tick of time shuts out eternity. We live in this field of time. But what is reflected in this field is an eternal principle made manifest.

     MOYERS: The experience of the eternal.

     CAMPBELL: The experience of what you are.

     MOYERS: Yes, but whatever eternity is, it is here right now.

     CAMPBELL: And nowhere else. Or everywhere else. If you don't experience it here and now, you're not going to get it in heaven.

And, for the record, Campbell nor I believe in supernatural. I believ ein humanity creating compassion as a form of technology, education and lessons technology, and we are n't teaching it. We have removed the Church for many people, but the Public School has not taken up teaching and Comparative Mythology - a Super Wikipedia style - beyond Campbell's solo efforts  up to his death in 1987.

Again, Campbell was an atheist, but he still believed in the power of stories being handed down

MOYERS: And yet we all have lived a life that had a purpose. Do you believe that?

     CAMPBELL: I don't believe life has a purpose. Life is a lot of protoplasm with an urge to reproduce and continue in being.


MOYERS: I was about to say that we are creating new myths, but you say no, every myth we tell today has some point of origin in our past experience.

     CAMPBELL: The main motifs of the myths are the same, and they have always been the same. If you want to find your own mythology, the key is with what society do you associate? Every mythology has grown up in a certain society in a bounded field. Then they come into collision and relationship, and they amalgamate, and you get a more complex mythology.

     But today there are no boundaries. The only mythology that is valid today is the mythology of the planet -- and we don't have such a mythology. The closest thing I know to a planetary mythology is Buddhism, which sees all beings as Buddha beings. The only problem is to come to the recognition of that. There is nothing to do. The task is only to know what is, and then to act in relation to the brotherhood of all of these beings.

What I'm saying is Campbell had the same view as Carl Sagan....

“Any faith that admires truth, that strives to know God, must be brave enough to accommodate the universe.” Carl Sagan

“A religion, old or new, that stressed the magnificence of the Universe as revealed by modern science might be able to draw forth reserves of reverence and awe hardly tapped by the conventional faiths.” ― Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space

“Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality. When we recognize our place in an immensity of light‐years and in the passage of ages, when we grasp the intricacy, beauty, and subtlety of life, then that soaring feeling, that sense of elation and humility combined, is surely spiritual. So are our emotions in the presence of great art or music or literature, or acts of exemplary selfless courage such as those of Mohandas Gandhi or Martin Luther King, Jr. The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both.” ― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark